How we are working together
Lammersville Unified School District (LUSD) is committed to equity – as equal access to results. LUSD has been working with Gooru to achieve learning equity and excellence district-wide for all learners, regardless of their proficiency, learning abilities, and cultural backgrounds. Gooru and LUSD are founding Navigated Learning Labs NLabs that will aggregate data from all available tools to locate the learners with respect to knowledge and mindsets for all competencies in Math, Science, and ELA and suggest actionable insights to all stakeholders. LUSD with other founding districts is co-creating Gooru Navigator, so the districts can use big data to adapt their practices and ensure that they achieve their State Accountability Plans. As part of NLabs, LUSD is practicing Navigated Learning district-wide, Innovating by providing inputs to Gooru on aligning the Navigator to their State Accountability Plans, and engaging with the communities of practice to enable teachers, principals, and superintendents to learn from each other.
Lammersville Unified along with Val Verde Unified and Gooru co-founded Navigator Labs NLabs in July 2021, to innovate and co-create the Gooru Navigator. NLabs is seeking to bring diverse school partners to ensure that Gooru Navigator works for all learners. Three new school districts have joined Lammersville and Val Verde as part of NLabs. Every school district is innovating with the Gooru technology team in specific areas to extend Gooru Navigator:
- Lammersville Unified: Helping develop a learning registry of all content and tools used by the district, integrate the data from these providers to obtain a comprehensive and real-time understanding of every student to improve the precision of personalizing pathways
- Val Verde Unified: Helping develop an application for Principals where they can track key elements of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Principals can see the progress the school is making and intervene with teacher PD, classroom observations, and instructional modeling
- Cucamonga School District: Helping curate and structure K1 content that cover topics in Math, Science, and ELA. Gooru Navigator current has curated open content for grades 2-High School in Math, grades 5-8 in ELA, and Middle School Science
- Park County: Helping develop a mobile application for teachers to complement the mobile application for students and web applications for both students and teachers
- Shelby County Schools: Develop a universal screening for behavior with inputs from students, teachers, and parents and recommend interventions to teachers, mental health clinicians, and parents

What they do
Lammersville Unified School district is implementing Gooru Math Navigator with middle and high school students. They provide invaluable feedback for the Instructor, Learner, and Mission Control tools. LUSD helps to validate the tools and content through continued use. They were an early adopter of Navigator.
Lammersville Unified School District is a school district in Mountain House, California, and serves the area of Mountain House and rural Tracy. The Mission of the Lammersville Unified School District, as a collaborative partnership of families, community members, and staff, is to graduate all students with the knowledge and ability to make good choices, to act responsibly, to enter the workforce in a profession of their choice, and to continue lifelong learning.
“LUSD teachers did a fantastic job teaching remotely with our core curriculum, but Gooru also played a role. 6th-8th grade students gained over 100,000 competencies. Students in our 3rd-5th grades, where we did not use Gooru, had decreases in math proficiency of as much as minus 7%, while students in 6th-8th had increases in overall proficiency of 3.4%, 1.8% and 6.3% respectively as measured by NWEA MAP pre and post pandemic. We believe Gooru played a strong role in this. We are proud to partner with Gooru to support navigated student learning.”
Heather Sherburn, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology, Lammersville Joint Unified School District