How we are working together
University of Memphis ADL Partnership Lab is creating a PyschStat course on Gooru Navigator to pilot with its students and conduct research on the efficacy of the product
What they do
The University of Memphis ADL Partnership Lab’s primary R&D focuses on complex learning environments, specifically how computer technology can improve learning. Activities range from basic research on cognitive psychology of learning and memory to software development for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
The lab facilitates the research required to address current and future training challenges faced by the military, government, academia, and civilian workforce through the applied use of learning technologies, such as natural dialogue systems and intelligent tutoring systems.

“I completely agree with Pram about the vision of education and human rights. Trying to guide learners, like a gps guides drivers to remove all the frustrations and help the drivers concentrate on driving. You can do the same thing for learning. My slogan is; if you learn I will give you better grades, I am trying to remove students’ concerns about their grades getting in the way of learning. Gooru it’s a competence-based kind of framework that you know if you have the skill you’re there. It is the overall vision of Gooru. I was really attracted to his idea and his vision and his passion. The navigator is the engineering solution, I have worked with other models and other systems. I’ve been in the research area for almost 25 years, I have seen quite a few models and it’s one of the most attractive ones.
Dr. Xiangen Hu. Professor, University of Memphis