How we are working together
SERP is collaborating to offer a Navigator experience for STARI Fluency and STARI Boost learners. The project is divided into two phases (see below). The goal is to provide an instructor and learner experience to study the effectiveness of STARI Boost and STARI Fluency using Navigator tools.
Project 1
SERP contributes their MathByExample and AlgebraByExample content to math Learning Maps in the Gooru Navigator Library.
Project 2
SERP is collaborating to offer a Navigator experience for STARI and STARI Boost learners. The project is divided into two phases (see below). The goal is to provide an instructor and learner experience to study the effectiveness of STARI Boost and STARI using Gooru Navigator tools.
What they do
SERP Institute was incubated at the National Academy of Sciences and founded as an independent nonprofit organization in 2003 to bridge the worlds of education research, practice, and design. Central to all SERP work is a commitment to equity, collaboration, and the agency of teachers and students.
- SERP has constructed two courses focusing on building fundamental language skills on the Navigator platform. These courses will be launched with students and teachers in two states. SERP has also collaborated closely with Gooru to develop several new question types and features focused on language development.
Project Lead
Allie Huyghe – Assistant Director SERP
Allie (National Office) serves as Assistant Director. She joined SERP in May 2012 to support various SERP initiatives including AlgebraByExample, STARI, and Word Generation. Her work includes supporting study management as well as reviewing and editing curriculum materials. Prior to SERP, she worked with the Neuropsychology Group at the National Cancer Institute within the National Institutes of Health, and has aided in numerous research projects in the field of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology. She holds a B.A. in psychology from the George Washington University.

“We’ve worked in partnership with school districts and universities to create resources for students and teachers across math across literacy across all these different domains, One of the projects that we’re working on is our ByExample work, those resources have been made available on our website for several years now, but we didn’t have the in-house capacity to make them available through any sort of platform or other technology that would allow students to both complete and use the materials online and submit answers to their teachers for completion and grading, so that’s a really exciting thing to be able to do. All the assignments are tied to common core standards and fit really well into the math navigator and any other math libraries that teachers are pulling from within Gooru Navigator. It’s another way for our resources to be known for the wider community.”
Allie Huyghe – SERP, Assistant Director